Thursday, April 30, 2009

1 litre of tears~

The title is 1 litre of tear...but it made me shed my tears not only a litre, but a river~!!
huhu...a very very very sad japanese movie...
I watched it few months back, but till now I can still feel da sadness... :'(

I alwez try to put myself into Aya's situation, but ohhh
yaya, u might say its juz a movie, but diz is not an ordinary movie, its a splendid real movie, adapted from a real life story...
Aya is an intelligent-smart-cute-active-all rounder student who suddenly discovers dat she is having a degenerative brain disease dat has no cure n will take away all of her senses n talents one by one, n it would progress slowly until she wont b able to walk, talk n finally her life will come to a FULL STOP. The thing is, it takes about 10 years b4 one dies, n during dat tyme lots of difficult situations will have to be faced...

Living for death.
Counting days to close her eyes n sleep, not to wake up anymore.
Watching other ppl struggling for a bright future, when she knows that she wont even have a future.
Looking at her parents' smiles which might be the last smiles she can ever witness.
Keep writing even when her hands are painful enough to write a single letter.
Cry...cry....n cry...till there r no more tears to shed..

What in the world is more hurting n killing ur soul other den dat??? T_T

So i would say,
Everyone should watch diz movie n learn to appreciate our lives...
We might be happy n proud wif what we have today...
We can walk, we can talk, we can laugh n we can scream all da way we want...
But all that are temporary n we might not be able to do them tomorrow, r even the next second...
Always be grateful, live life to the fullest, n do what we should do, right now!

My life is like a flower thats hasn’t bloomed yet. From the start of the youth, I want to treasure it and have no regrets.

I really don’t want to say things such as ”I want to go back to how things were before.” I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on.

I had a dream…and in it I was running freely and I was walking…But I had another dream…and in it I was in a wheelchair…I thought I had accepted me for who I am now…

If you look up at the sky after falling down the blue sky is also today stretching limitlessly and smiles at me… I’m alive.

People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It’s enough to try your best in all you’re doing now.

What’s wrong with falling down? As long as I stand up again.

Zutto Ikite ; live on forever


K- Only Human

On the opposite coast of sadness

is something called a smile

On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
But before we can go there,
is there something we’re waiting for?

In order to chase our dreams, we can’t have a reason to run away
We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day

If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sigh
Because like a boat that opposes the stream
we have to walk straight on

In a place worn down by sadness
something called a miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching
for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring

The warrior who awaits the morning light
before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall

Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness
only relying on the light of the moon
We have to fly away with featherless wing
just go foward, just a little further

As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling
Although it brings only darkness
A powerful, powerful light
helps push us to walk on



Fau~ said...

1 litre of tears?waaa it has been a long time i heard dat title n i've been promote by u to watch it..
but till now i still dun hv a time 4 it..

ermmm kk..
even i haven't watch it yet but from ur summary i can say dat it is really touched n moral movie 4 those who wants to learn bout life..
n insyaAllah i will watch it k ;)heeee..

yup drs ezyanie ana amat stuju dgn pndpt anti itu td..
juz sdikit tazkirah..hehe..
look at ourselves..upper limb,lower limb,thorax,abdomen,pelvis n perineum,skull n all da cells,tissues n muscles..sume Allah bg free..MasyaAllah~Alhamdulillah~
da same thing goes to oxygen we inspire every secs..wut if He empty diz world from it juz 4 a moment..haaa ampa nk crik mana oxygen tu..ahha..

so while we r still alive nii,ringankan kaki,rajinkan diri utk menuntut ilmu sambil beramal dgnnya..

renung2kan~slamat beramal~!! ;-)

Dr.Jatmi said...

doktot fau bg ayat medic ....wowowowo~

~Izyani~ said...

tu laaaa...owg dok soh tgk dia xmo tgk...
nnt tgk taw??heee...
sies its a very interesting story...
5 star rating..hehe

waaaa dr naufal suda bkata2..abey la..hehe :P
yup2 ur rite...kalo tetiba xde oxygen abeyla kta sume..
kna wat reaction chem la plak nk hsilkan oxygen..haha

sooo...tuntutlah ilmu smpai ke liang lahad..bsyukur dgn apa yg kta ada, n gnakan spnuhnya.. :D

Fau~ said...

aduhai jatmy2~
kita ni org kata..
beramal dgn ilmu..
klu x beramal ngn ilmu org kata mcm pokok xberbuah kaaan..
jd kesimpulannye apeee dr jatmi wanna b..ahah

renung2kan~ slamat beramal (~_~)

Fau~ said...

naaa i dun tink dgn chem pon akan terbentuk oxygen~

agree wit me taaaaaaaak?

ahha.. ;)

Stag & Vixen said...

waaa....cite bes tu....i've already khatam that muvee...hahaha....real jantan pown bleh nanges....hahaha...

tcer_mai said...

hai ive also watched this movie... it is indeed sad yet very aspiring... ive learnt a lot from aya's character...

~Izyani~ said...

To Dr Fau~

mna deee xbule...
bule je kalo kta decomposekan hydrogen peroxide..
tadaaaa...dpt la oxygen..
hehe :P

To Mr Ben~

real jntan pon bley nanges?? mst kes berbaldi2 gak ne kan...
akak nk khatam lg muvie tu pas xm neh.. :D

To tcer_mai~

yep ur rite...
very2 aspiring kan..
if only every1 has da heart like aya...
wut a wonderful place diz world would b.. :)

Fau~ said...

wut i meant previously was no oxygen at all..okie?1st..

yes can be decompose BUT how r sure r u it will essential to all living things needs in 1 time..

naa no need to gado2..juz wanna smpaikan dat Allah Maha Berkuasa..
n we need to bersyukur okie..

kholas~ =O

ur number,,,,, :p

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