Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dont be sad= be happy~!!!

:: Yesterday I bought this book at PKNS...

:: The tittle is La Tahzan, which means Dont Be Sad...
:: Its a very good supporting material for those who are in need of some strengths in their lives...
:: Wish I could spend sometimes to khatam this book..
:: Den I wouldnt be sad anymore...I guess~ :D
:: I'll summarise the contents here once I hve finish reading it k..hehe



Asyraf Spark said...

ouh aku pnah bc buku ni haha

~Izyani~ said...

ptut r ko epy smcm je slalu kan..
hehe :P

Unknown said...

ooo aku nk pau ley tak??

~Izyani~ said...

nk pau??
nk pnjm gtaw k :)

ur number,,,,, :p