waaaaa...nice photo aite???Taken during class farewell party kt KFC...:D
List 5 names dat you would tag.
1. Pipah
2. Mira
3. Umai
4. Yone
5. Rudy
Does no. 1 luv no. 2?
Pipah loves Mira???errrr...define the word love 1st~hehe...yeaa rite, love as a fwen of coz laa... :)
Do you think number 2 and 3 would look good together?
Yeppa...Mereka adlh psangan yg sgt romantik...share joys n tears 2gther kalo tgh watch movies..kwa3 :P
What do u think of no. 3?
Very cruel from the outside, but very beautiful from the inside...wawawa..
Would you love no. 4?
I would love yone???ouhhhh never ever...we'll end up being cat n dog most of da time we talk r meet each other..so, better not to love him...LOL
What do u think if 4 and 5 together?
ouhh Im sure Rudy n Yone r not gays...do ya??
Do u miss number 5?
ouhh rudy i miss u damned a lot~!!! haha..alamak bule mencetuskan controversy~!!haha...tiap2 ari nmpk muke rudy, xsmpat nk miss pon lorrr..heee
What do u wana say to no. 3 the most?
ouhh no 3 again...yea2 to umai, sorry 4 always hurting u..huhu..ampuun ya~jgn asyik ponteng cluz IELTS jek pasne~ :P
What do u hate abt no.1 d most?
His bro slalu topupkan kedit hp die...my bro???dun ever dream bout it..huhu :(
What do u love most abt no. 2?
Kalo nak makan ckp je...mst die akan follow n tmankan..hehe..n she's a very gud listener n a gud secret keeper~ :D
What arr u listening to now?
Lagu2 Plain White T's frm Big Bad World album...NICE~!!
What is the time now?
6.34 pm
What had u done today?
Woke up at 3 in the morning, den tdo blik, den woke up again at 6, den tdo blik...den bgn2 da pkul 8lbey kalut gle bce bku sbb ade test kimia...mkn nsik grg ikan masin kt D Rempah...tdo 4 almost 3hours after dat...den updating blog...OMG~!! wut a life...hidup yg pnuh dgn lagha~huhu :(
Who was ur last call from and why?
From aunty lily asking me to go to her house this weekend..Cracking ma head to find a gud reason sb sesungguhnya sy xnak pegiiiii...... :(
Who was ur last message from?
What do u think of polygamy?
Kpada lelaki yg nk berpoligami, JGN KAWEN DGN SAYA~!!!!
Faveret fast-food chain?
Big Apple n KFC~yuummmy~
U would die without?
My family~ huk3
U arr a football fan of?
None...Dun like football, alwez wondering y ppl keep shouting when watching football~xde keje :P
Ur faveret perfume?
Aqua Lily from him..heeee
U like guys/girls who smoke?
Sgt plg amat benci skali pada smokers...ur killing urself n other ppl s well...tlg la btaubat~
U ever watch porn?
No. accidentally jela...dats wut i mean k mr spark :P
U drink?
Yes of coZ...third- quarter of human body consists of water...if i dun drink Im not gonna upd8 my blog ni la...sbb dlm kubo xde lptop n line intenet KOT~hehe
Last question woot~! List 5 things u wana do before u die.
1. Get married, have kids.. :D
2. Go around the world...paris, ireland, london, germany, italy, korea, aussie, nz,wuuu~ ouhhh sy sgt mahu pergi....Plzzzzzz3 sum1 plzz bring me der...huhu
3. Wat bekalan bnyk2 dlu...tanak msuk neraka waaa panas3..huhu :(
4. Bli merz 4 mak ngn abah..weee~
5. Buy all kinda cute stuffs yg wujud kt dunia ne...wohoho~lurv it~!!! :D
ha laen kali tulis btoi2, aiyo, ni nak kc dlm bi gak, poyos je, kan da salah kc fact hua3 :P
sori aa mr naufal, aku tak sngaja ngeh3
haha...yela2 bhasa ak xbek cm ang...lalalala~
hehe makaceh?
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