Sunday, December 27, 2009
hurm tp tu la kan..kalo da ajal, xkra naek bas ka, lori ayam ka, keta beso2 ka, kalo da smpai msa bnda akan jd jgak kan..tua r muda, kaya r miskin, things happen sooo unexpectedly..Tuhan nk uji stakat mna kta redha ngn Qada' n QadarNya.
Tp kepada pemandu bs yg mengntuk time tgh drive bas Sani tu (dgn harapan dia bca blog ak la..haha :P), tlg la peka dgn keadaan anda semasa driving..mslhnya anda mbwa 48 nyawa, bkn sorg2 je..kalo da ngntok tu jgn la nk strong kn diri bwk jgak bas tu..sekuat2 mnsia dia perlu rehat yg ckup, bru la ble sal keselamatan pnumpang jgak..taw?
n to my fwen, ana yg dlm bas tu jgak, mst trauma kan experienced nitemare yg mcm tu..Alhamdulillah ana xcedera sb dia kt tingkat atas bas..n kpd keluarga mangsa2 yang meninggal, smoga sabar hadapi dugaan besar cmni..semoga sume arwah2 ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg soleh..aminnn~
Friday, December 4, 2009
hehe..n saya sebagai promoter xbertauliah nk pomotekn kt kwn2 sume..
kalo tingin nk mkn2 angin kt kulim ni bule la menginap kt cni ye..hehe
special discount kpd membe2 sume :P
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
coming back sooner r later~ :))
n i'll be writing wif a new breath..hehe :)
i've dcided not to work in KL, but to work in my hometown s a teacher, teaching spastic children. n of coz there'll be lots of stories to tell when I start my first day of being a teacher..tunggu la ye ;)
n to my dear friends in MSU, good luck for A2..
i believe that every 1 can fly, n make our wishes come true..
lets struggle n do our bestest!!! :D
Saturday, October 3, 2009
masih merangkak...
i pray for ur happiness k dear~
n ur wounds will heal soon, trust me..
always remember dat u deserve a better person :)
nnt kte jumpe kt india k..
gonna miss u like gila2 too~ egypt pon da nk fly balikk..
pasni tade da org nk bwk g jenjalan..
nk mkn roasted chicken manyak2 lg~
sob3 :(
di kala sume org fly, aku masih crawling d cni..
mcari sayap utk fly jugakk~
harap2 dpt ketemu dgn sayap tuuu...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
d hari rayaaaaa~ :D
apa nk buat tyme cuti 3bulan ni telahpun di'plan' dgn rapi..hehe xcited yang amat la katakan..bkn sng nk dpt cuti lma2 neh.. spanjang dkt university of choice ni, cuti sekontot2 je.. tade pon smpai bbulan2.. pndek kata, org cuti kte g cluz, org g cluz kte g cluz.. naseb badan... :( erm perangkaan masa depan tyme cuti adalah sperti berikut :
2nd choice : cikgu kanak2 istimewa kt skolah rndh, atas ehsan abah sniri..salary +-rm1000
3rd choice : bkak tution cntre kt kg, salary xbnyk tp dpt tlg anak bngsa..hehe
4th choice : jadi suri rumah, memandangkan pngetahuan yg sgtlah cetek dlm bidang memasak, perlu melakukan kerahan tenaga tlg mak msk kt uma, jga anak2..anak2 AYAM okie :P kawan2..apa agaknya yg saye perlu lakukan??sila komen ye :)
hurm n attached here adalah gamba2 raye..sonok pulang ke kg smpai xsmpat nk study ape2..hmm TP XPE! yg pntg hati snang dpt bergumbira bsama kluarga..hehe AND yang pasti, stlah balik ke bandar bnyk roundbout pusing2 niii, perlukan kekuatan mental utk dpt result trial yg smemangnya NTAH PAPE bkn trial yg ntah pape, kemalasan diri ni yg menjadikan situasi ntah pape tu..huhu
Friday, September 18, 2009
hve a blessful day~
smoga rya taun ni sgt2 bmakna, esp to all bdk2 manipal..
hehe insyaAllah kta fly nex yer,
so diz will be da last hri rya kt msia..
so lets njoy it k~ nnt kta sebret rmai2 plak ye =)
AND, sorry 4 everything..
maafkan saye zahir n batin..
maaf tkasar bhasa tguris prasaan..
saye hnyalah insan yg lemah, tidak maksum tidak sempurna..
sntiasa cuba perbetulkan mna yg xkna :)
im writing diz while waiting 4 my makteh to come..
we r going back to kdah diz morning yipppeeeee~ :D
jemput la dtg uma ye kwn2 :))
hve a safe journey home k..
sayang awk2 sumeee~ (^^,)

Sunday, September 13, 2009
i thought of never returning again, but sumtimes, i do feel like writing sumting, r not my head will be flooded wif loads of unnecessary items. that's how i can go nuts at times :P
AND, im thinking of writing a private blog for myself, it maybe more convenient to write about private things in a private blog..hehe
but of coz, im gonna wait until A2 is over, cuz time is really crucial for me rite now.
i really feel the tense of doing a compressed version of A2 level, where things dat a student normally studies for a year or at lez half a year, need to be covered within 3months time, and its half of half a year! *goshhhh*
and proudly saying, i suc** my pre-A2 trial n now only i started to realize that my head is still sooo empty, when i only hve a month left b4 the real xm.
"ohhhhhh simple things where hve you getting old n i need sumting to rely on~" :((
lalalalalalalalala...really got no idea. dunno wut to do.
application chem n phy really make me feel like an idiot who need at lez 10x to understand a simple thing. yet, 10x is still not enough for me to get the idea of wut im reading :(
terok kan???
n plus, rya da dkat n I still dun hve anything to wear.
dah tawaf satu shah alam, but still couldnt find a nice one to wear. feeling down~ :(
any1 wif HELP???
Friday, August 14, 2009
im back~ :)
n still perlukan bntuan pnafasan. InsyaAllah 2 3 ari lg da bole bgn n bcakap. amiin :)
thanks kpd suma yg bg smngt n tlg bca yassin n doa.
smoga Allah memberkati kalian sume :))
so,mcm2 pengalaman n pengajaran yg aku dpt spnjg kt kdah.
yg pasti, smngat aku utk jd doktor yg bjaye smakin bkobar2..
sedey kalo tgk keadaan kt hospital, kite kt luar hepi je, tp rmai org yg tgh tseksa n mderita kt dalam sane.
tmbah plak wan dlm icu, sume org yg dlm tu dlm keadaan kritikal n kronik, tiap2 ari ade je org mninggal.
spnjang aku kt hospital, ade 2org hamba Allah meninggal. dua2 kes h1n1, n mlibatkan pesakit kronik.
dlm emergency pnye unit plak, bratus2 org tgh tunggu giliran, sbb demam btuk2, simptom2 h1n1 la sume.
wabak ne da smakin truk nmpknye, nurse dlm icu tu ckp tiap2 ari ade je org yg sah +ve.
scary kan???
erm dlm icu, aku tgk la cmne doctor sume wat keje. ade sorg doc laki tu, die rawat wan.
dr wan mule2 msuk, die monitor every single pkembangan yg ade la.
so msa ari 1st tu, die ckp wan xde brain coordination. so, diorg takut brain dead sbb b4 dat wan kne stroke agak trok la.
den 2 3 ari pastu, kaki wan da mule gerak2. die hepi sgt2, die ckp kt tok 'maaaakkk ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkk, tgk laaaaa pak cik dah gerakkkk2" dgn hepinye.
comel btol :) itu lah prasaan sorg doc bla tgk pesakit die smakin baik kan.
i cant wait to hve dat kind of feelings tu...hehe :)
n aku blaja satu je yg pntg utk jd doc yg bjaye, kte kna la ikhlas..
bkn sbb duit, bkn sbb nk uma r kete besa, tp btol2 sbb nk tolong org.
sume org kt hospital tu harapkan bntuan kta, so we hve to be very2 serious n wise in every dcision dat we hve to make.
ne soal hidup n mati org. soal nyawa yg mmg kta xbole bli dgn wang ringgit.
dan nk jadi doc, its all about sacrifice.
kalo xnak korbankan masa tdo, msa mkn, msa utk shopping n all dat,
itu bkn doc namenye.
mental n fizikal kne kuat. doc kt c2 jalan pon laju2.
mne ade lenggang2 kangkung.
satu saat tlambat, bnyk nyawa yg bole tgadai.
so for dat, marilah kawan2ku yg tgh wat medic, kta blaja bsungguh2.
ramai org yg tgh menunggu khidmat kta, so kta wat yg tbaek okie.
ikhlaskan diri nk blaja, jgn sentiasa crik kelemahan org.
sbb 1 jari tunjuk kt org, ade 4 lg jari yg tunjuk kt kta.
be +ve, be consistent, be motivated.
insyaAllah kta sume bole :))

Sunday, August 9, 2009
aku demam, 2ari tlantar atas katil, tdo slama 40 jam bermimpikan result AS.
sok result AS kuar, im juz hoping 4 the bez. smoga budak2 jpa dpt buat 1st record yg baek.
huhu..takot sgt2, tp bnda da lpas kan.
bak kta maya "Dont cry bcoz its over, smile bcoz it happened" =)
n now, my grandpa msuk ICU, suspected lung infection.
n da 2ari xsdarkan diri T_T
siesly ni satu tamparan hebat dlm hidupku.
sbb wan da bsarkan aku dr kecik smpai skang ni.
he's been a great playmate of mine.
n i made so many promises to him.
to t8 cre of him when I bcome a doctor,
buy him lots of shoes so that he's not gonna wear a worn out shoes nemore,
bring him to India for a trip, when im studying there.
Can u wait for me, wan??? T_T
im praying for ur quick recovery okei??
I'll be back to kedah tonite. mum juz told me dat its appropriate to come back now.
as his condition is getting worse.
God, plzz save him for me :(
to ppl out there, diz is not a way for me to escape from classes okei??
im not hepy wif diz.
but i really have to, coz my grandpa is like my soul.
he raised me up, waited for me in front of the school's gate everyday after school,
in his old kain pelikat riding his old motorbikes.
juz to make sure that I learn ABC and 123
i dun need to forget all dat juz bcoz im an A level student aite?
im dying when he's struggling for a life.
coz i really really damn love him.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
H1N1 pandemics~ :(
Shah Alam da jadi kwasan hitam sbb kes h1n1 yg smakin menular. huhu. takutnye bla dnga ade org2 terdekat yg da tkena pnyakit ni. ura2 plak msu da kna blacklist sbb ada org suspected positive h1n1. naseb baik btuk slsema sume da lega. kalo x silap2 haribulan terkena kuarantin skali la jwbnya. mmg la besh kalo dpt cuti sminggu. tp silibus bnyk lg nk kna abeskan. so better msu xtutup, r else extra cluz tiap2 minggu hri sbtu :(( kt msia da 3 org mati sbb pnyakit ni. rsa mcm xsafe sgt2. anytime bole tkna n rsa mcm bole ninggal ble2 msa je..huhuhu. smoga kta dijauhkan dr suma kesusahan n dpanjangkan umo~
"Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the Malaysian man was reported to have died from severe pneumonia with multi-organ failure at 4.40pm on Monday after being treated for 10 days in a private hospital in Kuala Lumpur.
He said the victim had received oupatient treatments from several private clinics and hospitals since July 6 before being referred and admitted to the private hospital on July 18.
“In the ward, he was diagnosed to be suffering from diabetes mellitus and chest x-ray showed that he was also suffering from pneumonia,” he told reporters at the operations room at the Health Ministry here Tuesday.
Liow said the victim was transferred to the intensive care unit after having breathing difficulties and requiring ventilator.
He said when his condition deteriorated, a throat swab was taken on July 22 and he was confirmed to be H1N1 positive the following day.
“The swab was taken very late on July 22. Despite being in hospital, these three victims all died. They couldn’t be saved. Now we’ve found out that the treatment came to them very late. I’m very concerned.”
Ya Allah, jauhkanlah diriku, keluargaku dan rakan2ku dr ujian-Mu ini.
Kami berlindung di bawah pertolonganmu Ya Rabbi~
Sunday, July 26, 2009
smiling from ear to ear~ :))
juz let my smiles tell ya everything okei :))
thank u mr egypt, for all the magnificent gifts~ :D
n ne part yg plg touching..
thank you so much for all these..
~dancing izyani~
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
plzzz go away....
Saturday, July 18, 2009
look at me now!
Im turning into....
hihihi :) :)

Generally, the story was good. Lots of messages n values. N as usual, I've googled some of the memorable quotes in the story.
"Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent."
"Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on."
"May the wind always be at your back, and the sun always upon your face, and may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."
Beautiful aite?? :D
In this story, George (Johnny Depp) is a greedy man, he never satisfied wif what he has, always looking for more, so he becomes a drug dealer. Being sentenced to jail never meant anything to him, in fact jail is a place for him to learn how to be a better drug dealer from the other prisoners. His father keeps reminding him that money isnt real, but he failed to understand what his father is trying to say, until he was caught for the 4th time, and being jailed for 60 years.
Yup its true dat money isnt real. We can buy big cars, massive houses, pretty clothes so on n so forth if we have money. But even if we possess an infinite amount of money, we cannot purchase any of these priceless items : LOVE>CARE>LIFE> These are the things that we can only get from being a neutral human being, not so greedy yet not so depending on fate to change everything. In the end, George regrets for what he had done, n he wished to have more time to be spent wif his family, but its too late.
moral of the story ~ always be grateful. think carefully before attempting to do anything illegal okei :)
Thumbs up! credits to johnny depp! :) :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
n weekends mean sleep~!!!! (tade kene mengene pon :P) heeeheee :D
Its been a hectic week for me. Damn exhausted. P3 maths really turns me into a zombie n drives me crazy. Kpale bpusing2 atas bawah, kiri kanan, depan blakang, 360 degrees juz to answer one vector question. n queuing up in the things-to-study list; complex no, trigo, rational function etc. tu bru maths, blom lg physics, bio n chem. omg its more than horror i shud say, in fact its kinda supernatural thingy dat makes me shout and laugh with no reasons, dgn tiba2 saje. tp saye masih siuman okei :D
Power spec pon da naek sbb bnyk sgt blink2 time wat maths..hihohi
pdahal sbb bnyk sgt tgk laptop :P power da naik jd 200 sob3, wan yg da 70taun tu mata orait lg jeeee...huhu sdeynyeee :( nnt da tua kne pkai spec tbal la alamatnyeeeee..hmmm
tolak mkn tdo sume, tngl lbey kurg 2 months je b4 the nitemare comes. n lg sbulan rsult AS kuar...0ooooo aaaaa eeee uuuu iiiiiii saye xsanggup nk ambik rezut itteww.... tanak kne repeat, plzzzzz3..A2 pon tkapai2, cmne nk study balik AS...xsanggup2 :((
ohhh God, plzzz make everything easy for me. I dun want to make any1 disappointed, especially mak n abah. That's where my future lies on. Hope it will be good.
Alrite, enough about dat. allergic bla sebut psal result AS. tanak ckp da..ckup3!
lets talk bout sumting more interesting..heeeeee~
diz weekend nk watpe??? of coz la, nk charge balik battery yg da abes. hehe! saye lah lazy garfield yg bjaye! :P tdo je keje. ish3 npe la tdo tu indah sgt. hahaha salahkan tdo plak, pdahal diri tu yg malas. tp diz weekend dah kna booked ngn aunty lily la plak. aunty lily is my bosh tyme keje kt Ambank dlu. sgt2 baek, n bole kata rapat la ngn die. bru2 ni org gaji die wat hal, ade ke patut org sro keje die bwk laki plak msuk uma. tom2 da pregnant. haish tgk je baik n innocent gle tp prangai cam hantu. syian kt baby yg xbsalah dlm prot tuuu sob3 :( kpada kwn2 sume, jgn la pcaye kt org gaji anda. dlm parit pon bole ade buaye taw..hihihi tipu3 :p so weekend ni kne temankan die kt uma, tp xpe, asalkan dpt mkn sdap2 n yg pntg free n tdo kt atas katil empuk n bole tgk astro free sude~dr naufal sgt anti org yg ske ckp 'sude', tp nk jugak ckp walaupun penggunaan xkne tmpt ..
hehe! :p
ohhhh lupe plak. dgn tibe2 rini ms amalina announce ielts speaking test will be on friday, 7th august. adoyaiiiii ble msa plak la nk prepare utk ielts. huhuhu. da lame xckp org puteh, lidah pon da keras jdnyer. at diz moment, i really mish debate~ knape kt msu tade debate :((
i can do it.. i can do it.. go yanie go! :p
hehe..alrite till now, perlu spend time dgn buku sketika sbb die da majok lme xbkak die teheheee~
tlg la wat solat hajat bg aku rajin sket k. sgt2 memerlukan elemen kerajinan buat msa ini.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
wajar ke x??
die study 17jam sehari, tdo 4 jam stengah je.
tiba2 terfikir, mmg cmni ke hidup bdk medic??
gile ke haaa nk study smpai 17jam shari.
2 3 jam pon da senget kpale..huhuhuhu
wajarkah aku jd cmtu??
bpe jam je utk mandi....

bpe jam je utk shopping...

bpe jam je nk cangak dpn laptop...

bpe jam utk mkn, tu pon smbil study...

bpe jam je utk tgk tv...

nak tempek bedak sjuk kt muka pon xsmpat...

nak mbuang pon kne bpada2...

adehhh..mmg cmni ke life bdk medic haaa???

aku perlu lebih menghargai :)
dan akhirnya aku temui jawapan kpd suma persoalan2 tu :
n i found diz dlm blog pika pong2
"Izyani(Classmate ku..tyme2 males nk study bkk la blog die..sbb inspiring..suke ngan attitude die hoho...nk jd cam die)"
alrite, talking bout pika pong2, i still remember during school time dkt badlishah, where we used to be in the same class from form 1 to form 3. frankly speaking pika pong2 is one of my biggest enemies, bcause she's so intelligent n we were fighting like crazy to be in the top rank. None of us really berterus- terang about the silent battle that we were having, n it happened very quietly n peacefully haha! and den msuk form 4, both of us were offered to different boarding schools, so we rarely met each other but everytime i met her schoolmates n i asked bout pika pong2, they kept telling that she's a genius wif a powerful brainy. n I? my result was getting worse since i went to saina. :(( n i took it as a challenge, y other ppl can but i cant? there must be sumting within myself that need to be fixed aite.
n now, here I am, in a place called life isnt so good here, but aku perlu lebih bsyukur okey :)
n msuk je form 4, i received a bad news from my fren, telling dat mama tersayang pika da kmbali pdNya. accident msa otw balik dr keje n she went back earlier on dat day to clbrate bufday pika. n i heard dat they found Al-Quran inside the car, as a bufday present to her. sory pika if diz is too detail r tlah ditokok tmbah :) what a scene aite. n i kept putting myself in her situation, if n only if im the one who is facing the agony, i would have done something improper i tink. but she looked so calm n strong when i met her after the funeral. she is a woman wif a big heart, really. she really inspired me to be more independent n sabar nk bdepan dgn sumting yg sgt susah. n sbgai anak sulung dlm family, she is responsible to take a good care of the rest of her siblings, n i know she would be the best sis to them. she even chose to study locally when she has a good potential to study abroad, juz to take care of her siblings.
ur such a good person, pika. mybe we can fight in our studies, but not to determine sape lg pnyabar, baik ati, kuat smngat n all dat, bcoz definitely u'll be the winner.
but after all, ur a good example dat i shud follow :)) (nk promote xpe kan pika??hehe!)

Sunday, July 12, 2009
dalam mimpiku~
Dalam mimpi tu, aku dpt taw yg aku ada pnyakit, n ada beberapa saat ja lg utk idup. cepat2 aku carik mak, abah n adik bradik utk mintak maaf. aku peluk, aku cium diorg smbil nanges2. time tu aku nyesal sbb xbnyk buat kebaikan masa hidup, n bila da xsempat bru rasa cm erghhhhh~
den aku pesan kt sume, slalu la mntak doa kt Allah, bg pnjg umo n sihat tubuh badan, sbb aku dulu jrg buat cmtu, sbb tu umo aku xbpe pnjg. huhu. mak ckp dia akan doakan aku hari2. abah snyap je, tkejut n sedih. pastu roh aku pon kuar.
pastu aku terjaga, syukur sgt2, sbb tu mimpi je. sries rsa cm mati hdup balik. at least aku taw pintu taubat blum tutup lg. takut mengenangkan dosa yg bnyk gler. huhu. hakikatnya hidup time A level ni, hari2 bgn pagi bkn fikir cmne nk tingkatkan iman, bsedia nk hadapi kematian, tp pk psal assignmnent, homework, exam. n pk psal bnda remeh yg buat aku xbsyukur dgn apa yg aku dpt. nk itu, nk ini. seolah2 nk hdup kt dunia ni slama2nya, mcm mati tu xkan dtg. padahal mati tu bole dtg bla2 msa je.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
The magical box~
Life is getting more difficult, and dull.
Its been one year.
n I keep doing da same routine, everyday.
Wake up in the morning, wait for the red box to come.
If luck isnt wif me, den gotta run and chase for da red moving box.
If im more fortunate, I'll b moving wif the red box, but need lots of energy to stabilise myself,
cuz da red box is alwez full n so I need 2 stand on my own feet.
bcoz im not a nerdy who wait 4 the box 20mins b4 it comes.
After a long struggle, here I am.
in a place called Annex.
study. study. study.
5-6pm, keep waiting for the red box.
sumtimes more den an hour is wasted, juz for that big agenda, WAITING.
Waiting n waiting 4 da big thing, the red box.
16 NOV 2009- cant wait 4 diz big day.
a day when there's no more red boxes in my life :))

Thursday, July 9, 2009
dan sebenarnya~
hasilnya, kna la makan ubat yg plbagai jenis dan spesies.
tp xpe, sbb dpt MC xg klas sok~!!!!
spark, ko jgn dok msg ak sruh g klas gak eh :P
hehe. im off for tomorrow, tp nk g jap sbb ade maths. hihihi :D
life is getting more difficult, perhaps.
Im a lazy garfield who really loves sleeping.
Lect physics n bio nk kne tukar.
tp bnyk plak konflik.
rasa bsalah pon ade, skit ati pon ade, so baek xyah pk, wat pening je.
nk jadi ape jd la. yg pntg da last sem, n still many things nak kna wat.
baek focus je kt bnda yg lg pntg. kan3?
PPSMI has been demolished, ade yg hepi ade yg xpuas ati.
nk agree, tp English is getting more n more crucial.
nk xagree pun xbole, ksian kt students yg xpham english lgsg.
yg bsemangat nk study da jadi down, sbb xpham soalan n xpham ckgu mengajar.
sng cte wat je dlm bahasa arab, kan bgus bhasa syurga tuuu.. :))
michael jackson is dead. hope he died as a muslim la.
moral of the story, dun take drugs, pndek umo~
sweater kesayanganku da hilang kt kl central, thanks to my carelessness..
sape yg jumpe tu tlg la bg balik, dat sweater really meant a lot to me~ :(
n currently~ selsema, batuk, sakit tekak, sejuk2 n demam2..
sok nk g klinik, gusar plak tjangkit H1N1. nauzubillah~hmm :((
skang ni tgh sedih, sbb td kna mara ngn adi.
die mara sbb postkan cter psal die. smpai nanges2. sory adi~
n the post has been deleted. kakna syg adi okie.
naseb ade gak bnde yg makes me feel delighted.
smlm jual bku kt junior, dpt rm55~
jd sok nk g mkn pancakes kt The Gardens.hehe! :))
Really need to spend sumtimes wif myself.
Till then, my dear reader~
Thursday, July 2, 2009
akhirnya pnantian yg merupakan satu penyeksaan berakhir jua :D
elaun yg ku tunggu2 tlah tiba..hahaha
natijahnya, dptlah ku membeli bnda yg tlah lma ku idam2kan...
ajaibnya arnab niii, beliau akan menari2 kegembiraan apabila mndapat chaya..hehe..xksah la chaya ape2, asalkan mampu menerangi alam semesta...
xpela, jd peneman ayamku d meja study, ksian plak die da lme membujang...
inilah bnda ptama yg ku beli sebaik shj msuknya elaun, thanks to JPA~ :D
ohhh ku sgt gumbira~
AMARAN : Im not a kid. Im a lady ok :))
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The world is beautiful~

just to be ni-ni-nice
then the world would be a better place for you and I
if we just live our lives
putting our differences aside
oh that would be so beautiful to me...
beautiful verse of song aite?
Yup, its immoral for us not to respect ppl who are trying his best to squeeze his head all he could, to be able to make us understand about something. Manners between a student and an educator should be taken into considerations, although sometimes they are certain things that we know better than him. Always remember, there's always someone better than us, n nobody is the best because the word BEST is only valid for our Creator, Allah. So human beings like us will never be perfect and ideal. Its just that everyone is trying to be so close to the perfectness. In Islam, we learn about keberkatan, and now, I started to realize that keberkatan really plays a vital role to determine whether or not we are on the right track.
Alright, to be specific, after all the things that we have done from the 1st day in msu until today, I really feel like there is something needs to be fixed by the students and the lecturers. Yea its true that sometimes they are going beyond the limitations, but what's wrong wif giving opportunities, and looking back for that keberkatan? Lets forgive and forget, clear up all the revenges, and replenish our beautiful hearts, shall we???
***just an opinion from me ok :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
we call it fate~
It happened on same date, but 4years ago. The date I will never forget, when the coronary heart disease took him away, the date when I really felt like losing one of the most important parts of me, n the date I witnessed his body being buried, permanently. My soul was hit into pieces, but that's what we call fate, life and death are parts of our everyday lives. It has been 4years since the incident struck me, yet the pain is still there, I really miss him every part of a second :(
He is a great person I will always remember. A strong person I should say.
You will always be in my prayers, granddad.
May you rest in peace.

Friday, June 26, 2009
1st week n the 1st quiz~
yg dijangka sgtlah kompleks kerana melibatkan number2 yg amatlah kompleks..
dun wery kawan2, we're in the same boat..
aku pon menjangkakan paper kosong yg akan dihantar sbaik kuiz tamat..
sesungguhnya 24 jam utk study complex number yg saintis n mathematicians pon blaja btaun2, amatlah tidak wajar..
wahai a level bila la kau nk tamat, aku da xlarat :(
_sekian, majulah complex number utk negara_

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hepy Belated Father's Day~
When I think of you, I'm filled with love
And fond appreciation.
You make me feel protected;
I'm sheltered by your care.
You're always my true friend;
When I need you, you're always there.
You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You've been my superhero, Dad,
Right from the very start.
She's my idol~ :)
I met my best friend, Nisrin during the very short holidays. I knew her since I was in primary school, and she is one of my idols who taught me many things about life, how it is not impossible for human beings like us to stand up and bring a success out of failure and hardship, even if its so hurting and stressful, even if people keep talking bad things about us, n even if every single thing that we do cannot satisfy others. What is important is to keep moving, strive for our goals n do not ever give up no matter how difficult things that we need to face.
She was born to be a miracle. She's not from a financially rich family, but her family is blessed wif happiness, even sometimes they need to struggle for a single piece of food to fill up their tummies. We grew up together, so I saw how she was educated to be a graceful and a successful person. I respect her in all aspects, especially the way she managed to help her family with their financial problems by using her own allowance, imagine she paid the house bills using her own money! To me that was so amazing. A ready-made baju kurung that costs RM10 is already enough for her, as long as her family is not starving and her siblings can get proper educations.
To Nisrin, you are a true warrior. You made me realise that nothing is impossible in our lives. Doors to success are always open, its just that we need to work hard and do lots of sacrifice, plus with prayers and a good human- Creator relationship, InsyaAllah blessings and fortunes will always be wif us. Congratulations for making another good step in ur life, majoring in Physics. My prayer will always be wif u, fwen. Best friends 4eve~ :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Now wut?????????????????!!!




hehe...rasanye sume org da taw knape sy epy sgt..kan3???
ermmm bkn epy sgt la, at lez epy sket..SBB EXAM DA ABES~!!!
walaupun x brapa dgn jayanya..hmmm :(
usaha daa, so skang ne doa n tawakal jela.
juz follow HIS flow, as HE knows what's the best 4 us.
kalo da ditakdirkan kna repeat, repeat jela..huhu
walaupun dlm ati xnakkkkk :(
yg pntg skang ne, ENJOYYYYY!!!
yeah, b4 da nightmares n dreamscapes of da new semester come.
So, I have made a things-to-do list during diz so called 'holidays',
n here it is :)
Start writing an essay 4 a contest, in conjunction wif diz coming Father's Day. The winner will be awarded RM100, not dat rewarding, but it's enough to grant my tummy's wish to be filled up wif pancakes. :D n at lez writing can make me feel a bit more relieved, hope so.... :)
Then it comes to the most exciting journey back to my hometown, KULIM!!! yeaaaa...i really miss Kulim. Damn miss it~ :D Although some ppl call it a godforsaken town, I dun bloody care. Kulim is still in my heart~ (*___*)
Watch a looooooooooooooooot of Korean movies. n wanna cry a lot too. hehe. Then only I know, Im still an alive human beings wif feelings n desires :) I've started downloading few movies, cant wait to watch them. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Shopping~!!!!! errrr...cant comment much on diz~cuz its a long long story dat even I do not know the endpoint. hehe. juz wait n c keyh, yg pasti maaaaakkk, get ready la nk spend duit utk anak mak yang spendthrift sorg ne~ :D
Nak bawak keta, n overcome the trauma. Walaupun ade lg prasaan takut tuh..hopefully kakak yg duduk kt sblah xtjerit2 bla keta mati tgh jln, r nk msuk longkang, r nk kne langgar lori r erghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!! menciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~(T_T)
MAKAN dan MAKAN dan MAKAN n MAKAN to the power of 22~ :D
pastu TIDO dan TIDO dan TIDO n TIDO to the power of 16~
n the list goes on n on n ooooooon~
Sempat ke nk wat sume niiii???
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The climb~

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
Never give up, yanie
No matter how hard it is, u have to let go...
and move on~
Im starving for those pancakes~
tpakse tunggu elaun masuk dlu kerana sesungguhnya purseku makin tak berduit~ (T_T)
hmmmmm...tgk je la dlu eh..





Wahai JPA masukkan duit elaun cpt sket bley x??
mak da mara asyik kena bank in duit je..boros katanye :(
Btw thanks to dolly 4 the present, toaster~
hehe..njoy ur hols k..gonna mish u a lot~ :D