I met my best friend, Nisrin during the very short holidays. I knew her since I was in primary school, and she is one of my idols who taught me many things about life, how it is not impossible for human beings like us to stand up and bring a success out of failure and hardship, even if its so hurting and stressful, even if people keep talking bad things about us, n even if every single thing that we do cannot satisfy others. What is important is to keep moving, strive for our goals n do not ever give up no matter how difficult things that we need to face.
She was born to be a miracle. She's not from a financially rich family, but her family is blessed wif happiness, even sometimes they need to struggle for a single piece of food to fill up their tummies. We grew up together, so I saw how she was educated to be a graceful and a successful person. I respect her in all aspects, especially the way she managed to help her family with their financial problems by using her own allowance, imagine she paid the house bills using her own money! To me that was so amazing. A ready-made baju kurung that costs RM10 is already enough for her, as long as her family is not starving and her siblings can get proper educations.
To Nisrin, you are a true warrior. You made me realise that nothing is impossible in our lives. Doors to success are always open, its just that we need to work hard and do lots of sacrifice, plus with prayers and a good human- Creator relationship, InsyaAllah blessings and fortunes will always be wif us. Congratulations for making another good step in ur life, majoring in Physics. My prayer will always be wif u, fwen. Best friends 4eve~ :)
ooo at ni ka bru nisrin..
lerrr i tot yg 1 lg tu..cheyt..
den yg 1 lg tu sapa ek?
waaa bersusah2 dulu,bersenang2 kemudian insyaAllah..robbuna yukholliki ya nisrin..
bittaufiq wannajah kt upm nt..
erm kak gha ckp kan,turon ktm kt serdang..
den kna amek bas tp die xtaw kalo bas awam ni sbb die slalu nek bas upm..
n kalo teksi pon bule ja tp fulus die up sket la..ahha
ooooo bru dpt..ni kt dlm train rupanyaaaaaa...
cheyt..pulun la i dok pikiaq tang mna la depa dok tangkap gambaq ni..
xkan bas shahab kot kan..haha
nt try na?plzzzzz xpnah nek lg oo p jln joh2..hehe
hehe...iyeee, yg tu la nisrin..
u ingt yg mna 1 plak niii???
xpe2, nnt la ne taw da k..
yg 1 lg tu myb nadia koot..
erm i xjd da kot nk p antaq nsrin..
sbb dia p ngn makngah dia, dok dkt2 upm gak..
so xpela, she noes better kan, gpun cm segan je ngn makngah die tuuu..
n dun 4get, she's coming 2morrow..hehe :)
yesh2 tu tyme dlm train la..
besh ooooo...tp kan seat dia oppose movement taw..so cm pening sket la sbb tgk ke blakang kan..
xpe2, nnt p kdah ne tren na??
hehe... :D
ooo aah2 mayb nadia la tu..
yaka?den xpala dun worry she will be safe la tu..okie?hihi
oooo gituuuu ghupenyeeeee..
okok we shud try once..
eh2 i shud try once but together2 la..okie?
aah..myb la kan...
yup2, not to wery sgt la kalo ade org yg bwk dia kan..hehe
yup2, nnt kta nek na..
tp jgn terjerit2 plak..kui3 :P
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