Sunday, September 13, 2009


waaa for the 1st tyme i left my blog for sooo long.
i thought of never returning again, but sumtimes, i do feel like writing sumting, r not my head will be flooded wif loads of unnecessary items. that's how i can go nuts at times :P
AND, im thinking of writing a private blog for myself, it maybe more convenient to write about private things in a private blog..hehe
but of coz, im gonna wait until A2 is over, cuz time is really crucial for me rite now.
i really feel the tense of doing a compressed version of A2 level, where things dat a student normally studies for a year or at lez half a year, need to be covered within 3months time, and its half of half a year! *goshhhh*
and proudly saying, i suc** my pre-A2 trial n now only i started to realize that my head is still sooo empty, when i only hve a month left b4 the real xm.
"ohhhhhh simple things where hve you getting old n i need sumting to rely on~" :((
lalalalalalalalala...really got no idea. dunno wut to do.
application chem n phy really make me feel like an idiot who need at lez 10x to understand a simple thing. yet, 10x is still not enough for me to get the idea of wut im reading :(
terok kan???

n plus, rya da dkat n I still dun hve anything to wear.
dah tawaf satu shah alam, but still couldnt find a nice one to wear. feeling down~ :(

any1 wif HELP???


Asyraf Spark said...

pkai taun lepas nye, kan sng :D heheh

*ak ngatkan blog ni under maintenance ke hapa hahah

Pika pongpong said...

yup agree..ingtkan under maintenance..hehe
nyway pongpong pun x de baju raye lg..
jom2!! balik g shoppin kat kdh
(w'pun jumaat baru balik)
All da besh for A2 exam..


~Izyani~ said...

hehe..xde r, cume perlukan sedikit ruang utk diri sniri..chehhhh!!
haha..sama la kta, ingt nk crik kt kdah jgak, harga pon mura sket..
harga kt cni ntah papa jek, mcm bju artis..bli kt kemboja dpn cimb bank kulim tu sudeee...heeee~

thanks! gud lux to pikapongpong jgee...
nnt rya meh la uma eh =)

~Izyani~ said...

spark ----> taun lpas pnye da wat bju g klas hari2..
kalo pkai xrsa cm rya r, rsa cm nk p cluz je..haha :P

umairah said...

alaa yani bkn ke ske g klas..hak3...
lek r yani..umai pon xbli gak baju raye..hehehe...

~Izyani~ said...

ske g cluz??
mboiii agak2 r nk perli..
tp mai lg ske g cluz r..hak3 :P

mai xyah bli bju raye..
blek2 sume da siap..xpe r huhuhu..
km niiii laz2 pkai bju angkasawan la nmpknya :(

Asyraf Spark said...

aah ek, bkan ke yani ska g kelas ngeh3

pika pongpong said...

btoi3!! beli kat kemboja dpn cimb tu sedyh..
kalo x dak pusing kemboja sebelah the store tu plak.
slamat hari raya..
berhati-hati d jalan raya..
nati mai lah umh raya..
bawak lah kuey raya..

ur number,,,,, :p